Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Twitter Discussion

Discussion on Twitter is very different from the discussion that we can have it on either blackboard or in-class. Twitter is limited to only 140 letters which can be sometime hard to explain to others what you feel. Also if you are replying to someone after few days, it is better to re-tweet with short original tweet so that other person might know what you are tweeting about. I personally like twitter but sometime its difficult to go around and see who replied and tweeted if you have many followers or if you are following many people. Using twitter as a one of the discussion tool i believe is not good idea because not everyone can contribute to it, especially someone who is new.

Discussion on blackboard is very easy and pretty straight forward. Anyone can read and contribute to it without any problem unlike Twitter. One of the reason is because in blackboard, only you class members are able to see it and write it. There is no out side party/students are allowed other than your classmates. And you can write as much as you want unlike twitter.

In-classroom discussion is one of the best tool. One of the reason is because you can explain material in details without worrying about text limit. Also you can improve communication skills because you are involved directly face-to-face when you interact. Also not everyone is tech savvy person. There are students who do not consider communicating online just because they do not feel safe.


  1. So that's what the retweet button for? I didn't know that. I agree that its difficult to join in on a twitter conversation that is already going on. But using those tags (whatever we used for the class discussion) can make a conversation more followable.

  2. Yeah Eric, that's what retweet button is for because if you just reply, they may get little confused but with retweet you write brief summary from the original tweet and post it.

    Yes definitely, the hashtag and @, # , these signs are for specific reason and it makes easy to find something.
