Monday, February 22, 2010

Blogs Vs. Wikis

Blogs and Wikis are almost same however each of this are slightly different and have several advantages over each other.

Blogs are like a personal online journal, one entry per day and it appear in sequence as they are written. Typically it is written by single author, opinion based, limited knowledge and it is only edited by the single person. Blogs grows slowly, basically one post at a time. Discussion in blogs are like in a comment forms and blogger have options to delete the comments. The setup for blogs depends on the chosen solution. Many solutions require regular security updates. Publishing very easy, some html knowledge useful.

Wikis are collaborative websites and it can be edited by anyone who has access to it. Wikis have many collaborators with different experiences. Knowledge comes from community of dozens or even thousands of topic experts. Wikis grows rapidly every hours of the day. The material are constantly updated with sources. Content is categorized and up to date. The setup for wikis ranges from easy to setup to very difficult, depending on chosen solution. Most of the solutions take care of themselves. Publishing very easy, no html needed on some platforms such as wetpaint.

Both, the blogs and wikis information organized is different. There purposes are somehow different. Their collaborators are different.

Comment on the importance of convergence in today's networked world:
Because of internet, people from all over the world share their opinions and views to achieve goals in life or to solve problems. Technologies performs major role in this to achieve certain goals in life. For example, Oovoo,or AIM, or Skype are the software/applications which allows us to stay in touch with people all around the world by just having internet.

How can blogs be used for collaboration?
Blogs can be used for collaboration where different individuals can post his or her ideas about a certain topics. Blogs are tend to be more personal and one entry per day where blogger can collaborate. Colleges can use blogs for collaboration between professors and students or group of students can use and collaborate about their finding on the research that they're doing. Students can create blogs about buying or selling old books in campus.

Can you think of a new use for a wiki that has not been done yet?
As we all know that wiki is one of the most powerful online tool used by people all around the world to access information. Colleges can use wiki for rules and regulations about colleges/universities, what programs their offers, give access to students to input their opinion about topics, teachers can use wikis for their class instead of blackboard because we know that blackboard is not reliable, businesses can use wikis for their employee. There are many more things that has not been done yet in wiki but these are the things that i believe can be a new use for wiki.

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